Android – Get current date and time in different format


Related Article: Get current date and time. But this article guides you to fetch current date and time in different formats. Just define your SimpleDateFormat object with desired format and format the current date and time by using format() method. Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); System.out.println("Current time => " + c.getTime());...

Android – DatePickerDialog example


Problem: Select date from dialog and display it in TextView. Solution: main.xml Download full example: Android – DatePickerDialog example...

Android offers free training to novice android programmer


Recently android team has launched bunch of articles and tutorials for the novice and experienced android programmer. Android team has prepared training classes in such a way that android developer can easily develop great apps for android and they have included almost all the needed articles at one place. Training...

Android – RatingBar example


Problem: How to place rating bar and have rating value in android app? Solution: main.xml Download full example: Android – RatingBar example...

Android – Unable to open sync connection!


Problem: Unable to open sync connection! Description: Today during the android application development with Samsung Galaxy S, i was having trouble to run the application, whenever i try to run the application, it was giving me this issue. After little bit search, i came to possible solution for this...

Android – WebViewClient example


What is WebViewClient and what is it’s usage? When the user clicks a link from a web page in your WebView, the default behavior is for Android to launch an application that handles URLs. Usually, the default web browser opens and loads the destination URL. However, you can override this...